Elevate Public EV Infrastructure with [.gradient-primary-cms]Data-Driven Accountability[.gradient-primary-cms]

Unlock the power of Paren's platform to revolutionize your EV infrastructure management. With Paren, you have access to comprehensive data insights needed to make informed decisions and optimize resource allocation.

Timely monitoring and analytics empower you to streamline incentives, ensure accountability, and drive successful expansion of charging networks, benefiting both the public and environment.

Streamline Infrastructure Monitoring

Paren provides a turnkey solution that captures the real experiences of EV drivers and time-sensitive data, giving you unprecedented visibility into charging station performance without the need for costly audits or resources.

NEVI Program Support

Simplify your responsibilities under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program. Our tools provide comprehensive monitoring and reporting capabilities, streamlining the process of overseeing NEVI-funded stations.

[.gradient-secondary-cms]API Access[.gradient-secondary-cms]

Seamlessly integrate Paren's data directly into your platforms and access critical data on availability, reliability, pricing, and more to ensure your charging infrastructure meets public needs and regulatory standards.

[.gradient-secondary-cms]Site Lookup[.gradient-secondary-cms]

Access billions of aggregated data points for a comprehensive, big-picture view. Search, filter, and visualize stations and instantly download detailed insights to track KPI’s, identify trends, and generate the reports needed for program management and public transparency.

See [.gradient-primary-cms]the Whole Market[.gradient-primary-cms]

Bridge the Gap Between Government and Drivers

Paren serves as an impartial bridge between government entities, CPOs, and drivers. Our platform captures the authentic driver experience, providing you with unbiased data to inform policy decisions and improve EV infrastructure.

Proactive Performance Monitoring

Address issues quickly and maintain high standards of service for your constituents with Paren’s time-sensitive notifications, altering your when charging stations operate outside of defined parameters.

Comprehensive Benchmarking

Leverage Paren's extensive dataset to objectively assess the performance of charging stations in your jurisdiction and compare them to national standards.

[.gradient-tertiary-cms]Unparalleled Data Depth[.gradient-tertiary-cms] and Breadth

Access the most comprehensive and reliable EV charging datasets available.

Evaluate stations across multiple variables and use historical and predictive analytics to drive strategic planning and policy development.

Partner with Paren to [.gradient-primary-cms]Accelerate EV Adoption[.gradient-primary-cms]

Unlock the power of data-driven decision-making for EV charging initiatives and enhance your ability to manage and improve the public EV charging network effectively.